Unlocking Back-to-School Success
Maximizing Amazon's Increased Traffic
Arthur Clifford
Account Lead Sponsored Ads
Read time: 4 minutes

As we settle down from the excitement of Prime Day and step into the calmer days of July, eCommerce sellers often face soft sales and decreased traffic. But fear not! Even though it’s not hyped as a tent pole event, Back-to-school shopping can be the golden ticket to steer your sales back in the right direction.

Today we'll explore the significance of Amazon's increased traffic during the back-to-school period and how sellers can maximize their success during this bustling season.

Seizing the Surge in Traffic

Amazon experiences a significant boost in traffic as the back-to-school season approaches. With millions of active users and an extensive product range, Amazon becomes a top destination for students, parents, and educators seeking convenience, affordability, and a vast selection.

Prep Your Store for Victory

Even if your products may not directly cater to back-to-school shoppers, you can still capitalize on the increased traffic.

  1. Optimize Your Product Listings:
    Ensure your listings are irresistible by crafting appealing, informative content and optimizing them with relevant keywords. High-quality images, compelling titles, and detailed descriptions can entice potential buyers.
  2. Stock Up Sufficiently:
    Anticipate the surge in demand and ensure you have enough inventory. Having at least a 45-day supply on each ASIN will keep you prepared for the the influx of visitors.
  3. Use Top-of-Funnel Advertising:
    Peak traffic periods are the perfect time to advertise to customers who are not currently looking for your product. Using Sponsored Ads and DSP to introduce new-to-brand customers to your products, nurture and cultivate them to convert them when holiday shopping season rolls around.

Revive - Your Path to Head of the Class

Amazon remains the #1 platform for attracting new customers, and at Revive, we're here to help you develop your winning back-to-school plan. Take advantage of the increased traffic, optimize your strategies, and position yourself as a class-leading seller!

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