Making Ads Data Matter
Scaling Sales
ASIN Profitability Study
Arthur Clifford
Account Lead sponsored ads
Read time: 4 minutes

If you're like most advertisers on Amazon, you probably rely on ACOS, ROAS, and BSR as key KPIs to gauge your account's performance. However, at Revive, we dive deeper into understanding your account and assessing the scalability of each ASIN in your portfolio.

Consider these vital questions:

  • What are your top 5 or top 10 hero revenue drivers?
  • Among these standout items, which ASIN proves to be the most profitable?

If you cannot identify the profitability of each ASIN the cost to scale your business may outweigh the benefits of increasing top line sales.

Amidst factors like COGS, Advertising Spend, Amazon Seller Fees, and Amazon FBA Warehouse and Shipping Fees, numerous companies lack an accurate grasp of their ASINs' true profit margins. Consequently, they often expand with ASINs that yield little to no profits. The issue is compounded by the fluctuating FBA Warehouse fees during Prime Day and holidays, making it challenging to understand how high monthly sales translates into much lower payments from Amazon.

By conducting a thorough profitability analysis when we initially onboard your account, Revive identifies hero ASINs amidst cross-sell or basket-building ASINs. Additionally, this analysis equips us to comprehend the extent to which we can propel each ASIN without compromising profitability. It's a vital step towards a more informed, strategic approach to your Amazon business.

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