Amazon Marketing Cloud
Revive Achieves Amazon Marketing Cloud Certification
Setting a New Standard for Data-Driven Advertising Solutions
Read time: 8 minutes

Los Angeles, CA – June 7th – Revive, a leading provider of Amazon-focused advertising solutions, is proud to announce its recent certification as an Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) partner. As an already established co-build partner of AMC, this certification further solidifies Revive's position as an industry leader. Armed with the expertise to unlock the full potential Amazon Marketing Cloud, they can deliver remarkable outcomes for their clients that were not available before.

AMC Certification Differentiators

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Access to Comprehensive Data

Revive's AMC certification empowers clients with unparalleled access to comprehensive and custom aggregate analytics. This provides a deep understanding of the target audience and consumer behavior within the Amazon ecosystem. The data includes insights from signals across video, audio, display, and search. This allows advertisers to comprehensively analyze the customer journey and determine how Amazon's ad products best work together to address customer needs.


Actionable Insights

Revive utilizes the advanced capabilities of AMC to empower clients to make confident, data-driven decisions. By refining targeting strategies based on these insights, advertisers can optimize their campaigns and achieve a higher return on investment (ROI). The powerful analytics tools of AMC, combined with Revive's expertise, translate data into actionable recommendations, empowering clients to drive impactful results.


Precision Targeting

Revive leverages AMC to access unique audiences that cannot be reached elsewhere, ensuring that advertisers' messages reach the most relevant targets. By understanding the intricate nuances of customer behavior within the Amazon ecosystem, Revive optimizes advertising campaigns to deliver superior performance. The precision targeting capabilities of AMC enable advertisers to maximize their reach and engage with unique customers at the right time, increasing overall ad effectiveness.


"The Amazon Marketing Cloud certification is a great building block for our team at Revive," said Nolan Gallagher, Head of Product at Revive. "This certification validates our expertise and showcases our continued investment in leveraging AMC's powerful analytics and targeting capabilities. We've built our business on executing successful campaigns on Amazon, and we believe that AMC will further enhance performance for our clients.”

How Can You Leverage AMC Today

Amazon Marketing Cloud provides advertisers with a powerful suite of tools to optimize performance regardless of the goal. Gain valuable insights through campaign deep-dives, analyzing reach, frequency, and overall impact. Understand the customer journey with journey assessments, identifying the right strategies at each stage. Leverage audience insights and targeting to drive improved campaign performance. Evaluate media mix effectiveness and understand omni-channel impact. Customize attribution models to credit touchpoints accurately. With AMC, advertisers can unlock the full potential of their campaigns, optimizing performance, targeting, and overall marketing outcomes.

"Our focus has always been on delivering exceptional value to our clients," added Devon Krivec, Head of AMC at Revive. "With the AMC certification, we can offer a new level of precision and sophistication in our advertising solutions. Our clients can expect enhanced targeting, advanced analytics, and a competitive edge in the ever-evolving Amazon marketplace."

Revive's AMC certification reinforces the company's position as an industry leader in data-driven advertising solutions. Through this certification, Revive continues to set a new standard for agency partnerships, providing clients with access to cutting-edge technology, actionable insights, and tailored strategies that drive measurable success.

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As an Advanced Amazon Ads Partner and industry leader in both AMC and STV, Revive has years of experience leveraging Amazon's exclusive supply and audience data to drive unparalleled results for brands selling on and off the platform.

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